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Support Raising

Hey Friends,

So it's that time.  I'm at that point in my journey where I need to begin support raising.  God has a sense of humor.  As soon as I posted my video on youtube, a random man from MI donated money because he saw the Lord moving through me and wanted to bless, that's incredibly humbling and confirming that God provides.

There are so many of you that I want to meet with PERSONALLY to share the vision and what I feel like God is calling me to but I have less than two weeks before my move.  I plan on making it back here for a long weekend to spend time with everyone.  

Until then, I want to ask you to pray.  Sincerely seek the Lord and ask Him if He would have you sow into the Nations through my launch into missions.  

1. I am asking the Lord for intercessors, those committed to praying for me on a daily basis.  I have atleast one already, praise God for this woman who has been interceding for me the past couple of years.  Ask God if He would have you be one who intercedes on my behalf.

2. I really need monthly support.  If each of your would commit to 5, 10, 20, or 50 dollars a month, I would be completely funded.  ANY amount helps. Would you ask God if He would have you support me monthly?  If so, simply click the "Support Me!" button, it will direct you from there.


Thank you for standing with me as my family in Christ.


Love you all.